Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Job Hunting

Hello all my peeps,
Things are finally settled in and I am home. I've been trying to secure gainful employment recently and came up with this idea for the cover letter of my resume. Hope you enjoy!

Top 10 reasons I would be a better employee than Superman

10. I don't even own a cape.

9. Sure he's saved the world, b ut did he do it while working AND
going to school at the same time?

8. I'll never have to speed off with no explanation.

7. I have no limit when it comes to discovering new abilities.

6. All I need for power is a little caffeine.

5. No worries about that x-ray vision being an H.R. concern.

4. I don't attract super villains.

3. No double identity issues to bring to work.

2. Superman debuted in the 1930s,
I'm no where near retirement.

1. My only weakness is chocolate.