Monday, July 28, 2008

Closing time

On the eve before my departure from Europe I am strangely detached. It feels like I am finally reaching a definite end to something and about to start something else new. Even though I will still be traveling for the next three to four weeks, it will be in my native country, the country of my birth, the country of my native tongue, the country with which I am most familiar; and that in and of itself feels strange.My family went on a week long cruise through the Mediterranean sea which was amazing. It was the first cruise for my sisters and myself and the second for my parents. I had already been to several of the cities that we stopped in, however I really enjoyed going back for a second visit. And I don't know if I am just out of the loop, but the actual cruise ship was unbelievable. The ship itself had a full sized movie theater, an ice-skating rink, multiple pools and hot tubs, a solarium, huge dining rooms with sweeping views with ceiling to floor windows; and then on top of that, you could ice cream ANY time you wanted! It was incredible! ;) I really do recommend cruising for anyone who hasn't done it yet. And yet, for all that, I think the most memorable part of the cruise was meeting people and making friends. I met several people who I hope to be in contact with for a long time. It just proves the point, "It isn't where you are at the matters, it is who you are with that counts."
Moving on, we finished the cruise in Rome Italy, where we are now. We leave tomorrow morning for New York on a afternoon flight and arrive into New York in the early evening. (Go figure that one out.) I am extremely excited to be meeting up with my dear friends Sorina and Marian who are from Romania. I will be bringing them back to Utah with me and then we will be traveling around quite a bit; Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Disneyland; as many of the big tourist points in that area as we can hit.
I am looking forward to going back to the States, but I have to confess, I'm terrified to go home. I think once I get to Utah I will actually have to face reality and stop living in this fantasy world where I travel around from city to city and have no responsibilities or obligations. I'll have to face those big issues like getting a job, making new friends (Because all my friend up and got married while I was gone if they weren't already married before. Ya big fat lot of traitors! Up and abandon me like that! ;) finding a permanent place to live and the like. The job thing is a big one because I really don't want to get just "a job." I'm ready for something I could really sink my teeth into and be passionate about, the problem is I have no idea what that is. (Consider this notice for carte blanch for suggestions. I am wide open.) At this point though, I still have the attitude that everything is going to work itself out.
For now, I'm looking forward to New York, and showing the splendors of home to Sorina and Marian and seeing people I haven't seen in two years. Don't be afraid to drop a line and pester me about getting together. I can't wait to see everyone again.
On that note, I am signing off. Here's hugs and kisses to the whole universe!

5 comments: said...

Dearest Marie - YOu are a passionate writer ! Its been fun to read how things have been for you. I would love for us to get together :) I've heard you come to Bear Lake often or we can meet in Salt lake.

how long are you touring the US?
did I tell you I'm going to France???

Hilary said...

Don't be afraid...and I sure am not married! Call me when you get back and we'll reminisce.

Becca said...

Welcome back to the states Marie. You were missed, hope that getting back to normal life goes well. It can be tough and fun adjusting but you will do it with your normal finess, I am sure! Welcome home fellow Herrimanite!

TysonandMarthaGerber said...

gIt's about time! I am so jelous of your fantastic trips across the worlds most romantic places. You are meant to do great things wherever you go Marie. We love and can't wait to have you back.

Martha and Tyson

Rachel said...

That picture of you on the water with the sunset is incredibly beautiful; kudos to your photographer!

Life is strange when it changes (and I've had some big ones this year), but it can be incredible. Good luck on the job hunting; I hope you're not looking for as long as I was.