Thursday, April 3, 2008

Too cute!!!

One of my enjoyable projects here in Galati is going to a foundation every week for children. It is called, "Inima de Copil" (Heart of the Child). They have a sort of day care/after school program for children to come after school, work on their homework, have a snack, etc. So I go and we have an hour of English every week with various themes, colors, food, animals, you get the idea. Well this last month, actually, the whole week they have been focusing on "traveling" around the world and learning about a different continent every week. So like for example we "went" to Africa on a lion hunt one week, and to Asia and did origami another week. Well this week was South America.

First of all, I had to brush of my very dusty high school Spanish, and boy would you cringe if you had heard me. "Como estas?" (Said with a Romanian accent.) And I had to look up the colors online, I used to know them all by heart. Plus I had to call my friend, Martha, back home to ask her how to say something and I woke her and her husband up. (Sorry Martha and Tyson!)
However, for the end of the lesson, I took my MP3 player and we did "Latin" dances together. I am not a ballroom dancer, but just showing them the basic idea for the tango, the cha cha, how to salsa. It was the cutest thing EVER! I've posted both the videos on youtube. I hope you enjoy!


Rachel said...

So cute! I watched the videos and I'm really impressed with how well those kids could spin, and some of those little boys lead better than men I've danced with!

Miriam said...

What a wonderful and rewarding experience to work with children. They are so fun and willing to go on "lion adventures" to Africa! Have a wonderful week.

Hilary said...

You don't know it but your job title could be recreation therapist too. You just work with underprivileged at risk children and I work with the teens. Sounds like you are having a blast. Si esti in Romania si sunt eu gelos!

TysonandMarthaGerber said...

I loved it! I'm so glad I got to help with it (wink wink.) You're fantastic Marie!