Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The City of Lights

One of the many perks to being in Peace Corps is that you are located in exotic locations, surrounded by other exotic locations, with the opportunity to go and see these exotic locations. I've just returned from Paris. Just to be able to say that is the coolest thing ever.

I went with a good friend of mine I have known since high school. He is such a darling and we had a wonderful time together. Some of the highlights of the trip included in no particular order:

*Walking through the streets of Paris
*Seeing the Eiffel Tower
*Seeing the Eiffel Tower at Night
*Staying with a senior missionary couple enroute to Paris
(Thank you Hansons! You are the best!)
*Going to the Louvre
*Staying in the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in my life
*Attending an Organ concert at Notre Dame
*Dining on French pasteries
*Crossing the River Siene on the Pont Neuf bridge,
*Being able to say, "Oui" and "Merci!"

Here are a few pics from my adventure. As always, you can catch all of them by clicking on the "see all my pics" link in the upper right-hand corner of my blog.

These are two new Peace Corps Volunteers who are recently arrived. They have been married 11 months and will be assigned to Braila, a city about 45 minutes south of Galati. The really cool part, they are LDS. Its nice to have more than one of us around! It was so awesome to meet Emily and Nils Bergman. They are an awesome couple and Romania and Peace Corps are lucky to have them. Welcome to the country guys!

You can't tell, but we are on Pont Neuf right now. Those two goof ball Americans! What are we going to do with them?

The most cliche picture ever. But it has to be shared.

In front of Notre Dame. Oh yeah, one other side note. We were there at an end of a mass and were blessed by a Catholic Arch Bishop. That's gotta count for something right? ;)
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Miriam said...

I love Paris, although I really love Switzerland. I am jealous you are in Europe close to everything that is so amazing. Keep enjoying yourself.

Hilary said...

I love Paris and you would never believe that I don't have a single picture of myself in front of the Eiffel tower...SAD! You have so much fun, keep it up and have a little extra for me!!

TysonandMarthaGerber said...

Well I need to hear more in detail how your trip went : )

Clint said...

You went to Paris, can I say jealous!!!! Are you there with Buddy? If so, I thought I recognized that guy! What's that all about? Your hair is totally growing, you look darling. When we are finally in the same state, no country again you are going to have to fill me in on your crazy travels. We miss you!

Rachel said...

Yeah for Paris!

Um, is that Nils from Westminster? Cause it sure looks like him (I wish I could remember his last name...) said...

You say its clique - but I'm jealous!!!

By the way I loved your comment on the vampire series - I'm addicted and I'm still surprise how I can still read them and still love them the second time around.

In all honesty I think my purse would of been stolen if I had left my coach when i was completely and utterly addicted to the pages :)

Troy & Emily said...

Yes that is Nils from Westminster, atleast I remember it's the right first and last name. Tell him not to wear the Pokemon lycra even if it's for Halloween!!

--Emily (Anderson) Gerber

Nils Bergeson said...

Hey, for your information I don't wear Pokemon lycra costumes anymore. I have graduated to wrestling singlets.