Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Something within us?

Recently I saw the movie "Hancock". I don't know how many of you have seen this but I would encourage it. In going to this movie, one can not go with the expectations of seeing a classic Will Smith comedy that will be chalk full of laughs. This movie has lots of tragedy and struggle. Now as I said, I liked it, and it caused to stop a think.

There have been tons of movies and TV shows coming out lately about "normal" people discovering some special ability that makes them exceptional. I think the reason of the success of these movies is because people relate to them. In the same way that every girl hopes deep down inside that she actually is a princess and will one day be whisked away by her fairy god-mother, every person -male or female- believes that there is more to him/her than can be seen or is known.

As I am of the belief that there is more to us than we recognize in this flawed and imperfect world I think it is interesting to see how the world acknowledges that there is something immortal about us, but isn't able to put it to a better understanding than the ability to stick to walls, be invisible, fly, move objects with our minds etc.

Oh if we only recognized our true capabilities, our true value, our true abilities.

1 comment:

Laura Jett said...

Oh my!! I am such an aweful friend!! I didn't even know you were home! :( ... WELCOME BACK!! :D I'm glad you got a job and are doing well!! -Thank you for sending out your blog address to us all again! I knew I had gotten it before, but it was before I really knew and understood the amazing things blogs are! :P Now I've got my own and your link is already on there for me to check up continually, so hopefully nothing huge happens and i miss it again! :P
love ya! ~Laura Jett~